
About me

I was born and grew up in Florence and I developped my passion for photography during the High School . After realizing this attitude to this art, I decided to attend the International School “Abap”in Florence. In this Academy I learned methods and techniques until made this my profession. I began my carrier as an assistent photographer for the studio “Alessandro Giannini”, where I refined previous tecniques until became the second photographer of the studio.
During this period I took a wedding service in a different situations,couple and maternity shooting and small international events.
All of my photos try to catch emotional and spontaneous moments. They convey every single feeling and fix a sensation or a smile in a unique frame - as unique as the moment of whom lives them.
Through my photography I collect all these instants and compose them in a mosaic of feelings - especially those which most are missed during an event.

I love

...being the shadows that catch emotions of the moment
...blending the sunset light with expressions of faces
...playing with contrasts highlighting a tear or a smile
...capturing ingenuity of a child in the reality of the look
...getting excited in your most beautiful day, telling like one film timeless images


“Rendete indimenticabile il vostro giorno!”

Servizio di matrimonio, dalla preparazione degli sposi alla festa, compreso di una selezione dei migliori scatti. Foto album su richiesta.

“Rivivete il vostro primo incontro”

Shooting di coppia in esterna, in una location a scelta. Integrabile con il servizio di matrimonio. Foto album su richiesta.

“Sei in dolce attesa?”

Shooting di gravidanza, con la futura mamma o con la coppia, in una location a scelta. Consigliato dal settimo mese in poi.
Foto album su richiesta.

“Sì, lo voglio!”

Shooting per la proposta di matrimonio, con in aggiunta scattidi coppia. Location a scelta e foto album su richiesta.

Portfolio Sections



